Robin Williams is a drawing by James Rodgers which was uploaded on September 28th, 2016.
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
11.000 x 14.000 inches
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Robin Williams
James Rodgers
Drawing - Graphite
A true talent tragically lost.
September 28th, 2016
Viewed 29,170 Times - Last Visitor from Clearwater, FL on 03/29/2024 at 5:28 AM
More from James Rodgers
Comments (88)
Gull G
“If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.” — Vincent Van Gogh 💖 Congratulations on your recent sale of this amazing Work!
Paul Lindner
Congrats on your sale.Robin was laughing on the Outside,and crying on the inside.May he RIP.
Petra Koehler Rose
This is the finest work of art and the highest honor you can do to Robin William. Too bad he can't see it anymore.
Gull G
Art is as natural as sunshine and as vital as nourishment. 🌸 Congratulations on your recent sale
Deborah Strategier
Hello James, This drawing tugs at my heart strings. I loved Robin Williams as did most of the population. Your portraits in this piece are fantastic! LF
Gary F Richards
This is a magnificent collage portrait of Robin Williams in his many roles! Fl voted
Jacek Dudzinski
Beautifully done!. You inspire me. I would love, if You could let me know what you think about my work. ;-)
Jacek Dudzinski
Amazing work. I love it! You inspire me. Have to put more thoughts into my artwork :)
Gull G
Art is unquestionably one of the purest and highest elements in human happiness. It trains the mind through the eye, and the eye through the mind. As the sun colours flowers, so does art colour life. -- Congratulations on your recent sale
Gary F Richards
Outstanding composition, lighting, shading, and artwork! F/L voted for this piece in the contest YOUR BEST BLACK AND WHITE 2
Tony Lee
It surely must have taken forever for you to sketch all these different portraits of the Great One!! You have a golden hand!!!