A Moment Of Tranquility is a painting by Lucie Bilodeau which was uploaded on January 1st, 2015.
A Moment Of Tranquility
A painting of a peaceful sunset on a beach, in Cape Cod. It was inspired from a picture I took at the First Encounter Beach, in Cape Cod, on May... more
A Moment Of Tranquility
Lucie Bilodeau
Painting - Oil On Canvas
A painting of a peaceful sunset on a beach, in Cape Cod. It was inspired from a picture I took at the First Encounter Beach, in Cape Cod, on May 1st, 2011.
To provide with the best quality reproduction this painting was photographed by a professional photographer. He creates reproduction-quality digital files by direct capture, using a state-of-the-art 50 megapixel Hasselblad H5D camera.
January 1st, 2015
Viewed 120,524 Times - Last Visitor from Cambridge, MA on 03/29/2024 at 5:34 AM
More from Lucie Bilodeau
Comments (272)
Ronald Carlino
How poignant sunshine on shoulders is my first direct impression of this Your very soothing to the eyes Artwork! Congratulations on Your sale!
Linda Gridley Lane
I love the quietness of this piece. I love that it does not demand attention, but invites reflection. Beautiful.